While we might have a bath or a shower everyday, dogs don't. Well at least not anywhere as often as we do. So for Charlie having a bath dose not come along very often, but week 12 was one of those weeks!
So armed with a rubber bath mat, lots of towels and a confused puppy we heading into the bath room. We decided to take the no fuss get on with it approach and just popped him in the bath and turned on the shower head. Charlie did not look to impressed as first and once he was getting wet he turned on the puppy dog eyes and started to whimper softly.
He was however very well behaved and let us wash him, even is we were holding him in place. He continued to wimpier while covered in soap (doggy shampoo) and while we washed him off, but was happy once we scooped him up in a towel.
Once downstairs and in the garden we rubbed him down to dry him off. We where surprised actually how quick it was to dry his thick coat.
So that's our first bath done and he is all back to being supper fluffy and cute again... Well until the next roll in the wet grass or mud!